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east lower

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east lower last won the day on July 23

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  1. Good luck to you - Absolutely mean that. But..................the second sentance doesn't surprise me one bit.
  2. Yes, Strauss called him a c**k when he thought the mike was switched off, during commentary. Bit of history between the two though as Peterson had been previously caught joking with the opposing team about Strauss and allegedly gave them tips on how to get Strauss out - although Peterson denied the last bit. South Africans the pair of them. Strange people that they are. A wit once said to me the only thing worse than being in a roomful of drunk Aussies, is being in a roomful of drunk South Africans. He didn’t use ‘drunk’ though in his description.
  3. I’d heard Peterson wasn’t particularly well liked and was ‘odd’. Big lump though. My uncle is still doing a bit of bowling coaching for Surrey U18’s, so have met a few myself. He used to lodge and sponsor Sri Lankan players, so met a couple of their test players too. Lovely, gentle men but fiercely combative when playing. Alec Stewart sat directly in front of us at Wembley a few years back, pure gent and massive Chelsea fan.
  4. Warner - Typical bully, pick on the little fella. Wonder if he’d have been as brave with Freddy or a Peterson?
  5. He’ll get absolutely slaughtered at 19 of the 20 PL grounds and a fairly frosty one at the 20th would be my guess.
  6. I’d guess at they can see that this clear-out of staff that were appointed by the former regime isn’t going to stop until anyone with any influence on the playing staff (senior and junior) is gone. Go on your terms, not there’s - On this one, and after 18 years at the club I hope he managed to negotiate a payday as well.
  7. If one person leaves an organisation, could be any reason. But when lots leave in a shortish period of time, chances are it’s an organisational problem that causing the departure's.
  8. Some questioned the value of taking him on this tour! Sounds like that may have had a bit of merit.
  9. Or what the weight of numbers doing exactly the same thing suggests! If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck………..chances are that it’s one.
  10. Depends entirely how you read it. Praises Tuchel, says nothing about current people. Sometimes it’s what’s not said that speaks volumes.
  11. Meanwhile another long standing member (18 years service) of the first team staff has resigned:
  12. What, they didn’t have a vali-bag!! I’m not sure if I believe him.
  13. Methinks he doth protest too much. Couldn’t lie straight in bed.
  14. Think of the agents fees for all these players coming in - it’s almost like Uncle ‘Arry without the cockernee accent.
  15. Fancy that!! Higher home ticket price for the friendly vs Milan and now £5 for internet based viewings of some meaningless games.
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