Official site says we have recalled 2 (young) keepers on loan...... Ted Curd and Luke Campbell. Is something keeperwise going on? A new signing? And sell some and have new ones (recalled) as back up?
A first class Striker
A First class CB
A First class CM
I have transferred 9500000000 Euro to CFC CFO so the new players should be in place by Sunday.
We play against Wolves and we will have a 9-0 win with these quality players in place and we conquer the PL.
Then I woke up from my sleep after a tiring and disappointing yesterday evening.......
Juvenile charity FC are probably going to have a lead at half time. In the second half everything goes wrong and the orange wolves will travel back with 3 points in their baggage.
I said it first 😁
Sorry, but I can't see any other outcome than a massive ManC win.
The optimist in me is singing: "Who are we, who are we?" And we celebrate a draw at home against Bournemouth (!!). How they mighty has fallen.