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chara last won the day on July 18

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  1. Yeahpart my point of course Bob ..not well put..seen the movie and I admit to over generalising..I was clumsily trying to show how my vision of the Event has changed from the grey growing up postwar years......the Berlin Olympics instantly come to mind as another example and the horror of the Munich attack, Thanks for keeping me on my toes ☺️!
  2. Only speaking for myself and definitely as an OG...been a long time since I felt any interest or connection with the Olympics....I'm not so naive as to think the old "Amateur" days were pure and innocent but now it just feels a political and financially influence hodge podge of commercialism.
  3. Charlatans indeed.... not clear exactly what their function is but for me CO directors raises red flags,,,a true leader/dept head makes his/her own decisions albeit with advice and input from others but co anything means ,oversimplified, at least concessions or maybe just a lockstep daily work schedule. As I see it two in a position really meant for one means no real outside input,,,cosy two way discussions with no, or faint, dissenting voices..WE AGREE SO IT'S SETTLED. Or am I'wandering again?
  4. Added FWIW,,,quick not in depth breakdown''' Santa Clara to Notre Dame..2237 miles,,flight time 4/5 hours. Notre Dame to Atlanta..678 miles..flight time 2 hours. Atlanta to Columbus..568 miles..flight time 2 hours. Columbus to Charlotte..427 miles..flight time 2 hours. Charlotte to Harrison..620 miles..flight time 2 hours. Time and distance approximate but close enough...........
  5. I thought I saw Del Boy in the crowd but dismissed it until I saw Rodney in goal for the second half... (as was pointed out earlier)I guess the Trigger name thing is not just Trigger but not surprising given the Chelsea ruling pair,
  6. Just got back from a 100mile round trip for a hospital appt...meaning I had plenty of time to go over my responses to the game having hurriedly caught up with the morning's "post"...side tracked by @Chelsea_Matt's wonderful CFC First Team Squad. Broadly speaking everyone seems to be agreement regarding the game,,really what would have been considered a standard first preseason game before the wooing of the USA market and the conning of many over here regarding "The Wrexham Story," (As stated before I have a soft spot for Wrexham and am pleased the club is doing well) Sanchez made one very good save in the first half...about the only time Wrexham threatened as Chelsea played pinball football in the oppo penalty ,,both halves. Main after thought was regarding the difference,,if it had really mattered...all the "missing" players would have made,,a Chelsea side including all or most the late returning players would probably have at least matched last season's result. The lunacy of the tour itinerary is plain to anyone living here or is aware of the travel involved. $$$$ leading the way yet again!
  7. @Chelsea_Matt...the Post of the New Season....masterpiece! My insider tells me there was an issue with CarefreeM's release clause from his home side but negations are still on going and we are still waiting for certain players to return from their exotic holiday destinations!
  8. Dallas comes to mind! Second half looked exactly like a first tour game second half...too many changes to keep a rhythm and a much weaker eleven..or rather ten with Broja ! All the hallmarks of working at patterns etc rather than just going for a win. Not sure we learned too much but did like the movement and application of Guiu.
  9. 🀣Thanks Matt but in my dreams I've been playing there for a long, long time!πŸ˜žπŸ˜ΊπŸŒ πŸ—½πŸ§€πŸ›«πŸ›¬.... Plus I don't think I would be able to handle the commute! 😁
  10. Better picture now....Chelsea seemed to move up a gear after 20 minutes.....like the look of the young lad Guiu. Wrexham not too impressive so far.
  11. Hey Bob..I'm watching on ESP and it's a terrible picture,,started ok but went wobbly after 5 minutes,,how is your picture?
  12. Of course a lot of questions about the new coach..in some quarters much made of his Championship background and little front man experience, Some here with long memories will recall how hard it is to get promotion from the Championship and luck has little bearing unless preceded with hard work and application. Just a question...IF....Chelsea had gone down under GP,,not so far fetched as one would want..and The Poch appointed, how do you all think he would have done in terms of promotion?
  13. HMM...keepie uppies etc..I seem to remember a Western pointing out it's one thing to be a quick draw or accurate shooter practising...it's another thing with others shooting back at you. I'm sure things haven't changed much but try doing that on a Sunday morning ! (Nurse..which way is the ER?)🀣
  14. @Morgs....agree with your post re keepers and this post is in no way reflects any criticism from me.but clean sheets are like stats. Only of value in context not as statements. All keepers will concede goals and remember highly skilled players are doing their best to score so the job as much as anything else is to keep the "Against" column lower than the "For" column.😁🚦
  15. "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.".... "What loyal fan base?...just get the investment earning."
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