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CFCnet 23/24 awards - RESULTS ARE IN!! ×

east lower

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Everything posted by east lower

  1. And Badiashile, who’s looked class on the bench again. James at right centre back with RLC in front of him. You could have driven two team buses in the gaps between the back three. You knew their goal was coming, albeit not from Cucurella’s massive f**k-up. Amateur night at the theatre I’m afraid.
  2. Booed off at half and full time. Chants of ‘you don’t know what you’re doing’ and a good few joined in with the away fans rendition of ‘sacked in the morning’. Worse for me was the fact that a majority resigned themselves to defeat as soon as they hit the bar in the first half. ST holders are selling their seats in droves to ‘football tourists’ and the atmosphere is shocking. Potter and his boss are doing their best to ruin us for years.
  3. Players tow the party line. I can’t name a player who’s said I don’t like the manager and he’s clueless. Despite the latter being obvious on so many different occasions. Remember AVB, it was only after he’d gone the truth stated coming out.
  4. That’s not what I saw today, most couldn’t get off the pitch quick enough. No eye contact with Potter, cursory touch of the hand. I’m beyond any sympathy, he’s ruining these players and if he had any self-pride he’d have been in the boardroom after the game, resignation submitted.
  5. Just got back, had a couple of pints to chill TFO. I can’t remember a time when I’ve watched such shapeless dross, GP literally gave f*****g McGinn the whole of midfield and managed to make him look like Lionel Messi. Anyone who’s played the game at a decent level can see the players are completely frustrated now. For the love of God sack this fraud. JT was on the pitch before the game with Di Matteo - we could do a lot worse than those two and right now.
  6. He's have gone weeks ago if I'd had that call. As he's survived the absolute sh*tshow he's presided over, then he's probably with us for the season. Bad call, but one that I think we may have to get our heads around. Nice to give a proper welcome back to TT though, if the chance presents itself.
  7. Well, it could get quite interesting IF we beat Madrid and Bayern beat Man City (assuming the story is true and TT ends up there). Grudge match sideshow of TT Versus TB would be worth watching, never mind the football match
  8. For a good while anyway. The best teams go for the jugular, Man City do and so do Arsenal - this season. Goals do change games and you see it week-in-week-out, a side is on top and gets a goal. As a reaction the other team ups their game, whilst the team that’s just scored doesn’t maintain their momentum. The last manager we had that would keep attacking was Ancelotti and occasionally Conte’s side. When your coach is actively changing players to ‘hold onto what you’ve got’ it’s a mindset thing. Positive mindset begets positive outcomes and vice-versa.
  9. I'd say put JT in as interim as it can't be much worse than we have currently and has a similar feel to when RDM took over from AVB - But Robbie had Steve Holland alongside him, JT might not be able to have/find someone as good as Steve Holland was to help him. GP just can't cut it at the very top level - We would have seen something by now that we could cling onto as being light at the end of the tunnel. What I see are poor decisions compounded by even poorer ones, resulting in us being lower in the PL table than Fulham, Brentford, Brighton, 11 points off Rottenham and played off the park by them. It's unfathomable for me how GP is still here. Perhaps the initial decision to appoint him is being compounded by keeping him - perhaps this is the new way and GP's taking his lead from Boehly?
  10. I understand taking Wesley off. He'd been down, getting what looked like cramp stretches done and feeling the hamstring area and after the game finished he had an ice-pack strapped to the back of one of his legs above the knee. As @paulw66 has suggested the issue wasn't so much taking him off, in my view it was the nature of the game management employed that was the issue. Here's a controversial thought - if we had swapped managers with Everton at 1-0 during the game, we win it.
  11. A game that were having a manager who can read the demands of the scenario in question gets you the win. Unfortunately for us that’s not the one we have in charge. We needed to keep the football, starve them of it for the last 10 minutes and not get defenders isolated 1 on 1. Not our chap, he’s hardly Pep in any respect but by god his selections and substitutions are baffling at times. Pulisic from the start! What had he done to deserve that? Apart from Godfrey, they must have one of the slowest back fours in the league, stretch them out. Mudrych had a decent game last week and gets ‘rewarded’ by getting splinters in his backside next game. Mind you Mr P has to keep the owners happy as well. We have some very good players being managed by a second tier coach. We should have had that game in the bag, by the time they scored their second goal. The Kovacic substitution was mind numbing.
  12. Well, that looks a right stitch-up. 3 Italian sides in the same half of the draw……..mmmm. Bayern v Man City will be good to watch. Over to you Mr Potter, if you can pull the rabbit out of the hat with this one - then I concede, you’re a genius.
  13. The issue is not VAR per-se, the real issue are the people looking at two similar tackles and one gives a straight red and the other gives nowt. The issue is the same one that's dogged the game for 30+ years and that is not enough good referees. Don't like VAR, our second goal (that counted) was only half celebrated at the game - people expected VAR to intervene yet again and give half a foot or toe or shoulder offside. It is literally killing the spontaneous moment of pure joy you get when a goal goes in. On the game, after our goal Leicester bossed most of the first half, we barely laid a glove on them in midfield and didn't press. Maybe that's Potters MO now. Look better on the break now, especially when Mudryk gets up to match fitness. There's lots to come from him, if he applies himself correctly. Enzo was great, most of the time - seems a little warrior to me. Kovicic and Havertz good. Cucurella did well again, maybe having Chilwell in front offers him the chance to get tight knowing he's got some insurance nearby. Koulibaly just needs to keep doing his simple stuff, nothing too adventurous to complicated and he looks fine. Potter hasn't turned the corner yet, still on the apex.
  14. This game last season provided a performance as good as I’d seen in years. Leicester could barely lay a glove on us and if we’d have got 7 goals it wouldn’t have been a shock. I think we were top of the league and by 3+ points or so. Confidence and momentum should be kept and therefore, excepting injuries, I’d keep the same side as Tuesday. If Potter wants to rotate make it just positional and not structural e.g. Badiashile for one of the three at the back. Losing James would be a big blow currently as we don’t have anyone that can do close to the same job. Leicester might wake-up and realise they’ve been dragged back in to the relegation battle and Potter needs to emphasise the need to win the physical battles that could take place. First goal will probably dictate the result. Chilwell and Fofana will get a lovely warm, appreciative reception I’m sure.
  15. Metal ones, or.........................................it's also another name for the non-tax paying travelling fraternity
  16. It's a fine balance as the club will probably want to maximise returns from player sales snd if buyers are aware that x, y or z players are sat in the redundancy room then our sale position will suffer. A position the club has put itself in, I'd add. Only exception is Pulisic, he'd get Bogarde treatment from me. Wouldn't pay him in shirt buttons. Did his best Forest Gump impression on Tuesday night, chin in his chest rlf, don't look up and see Gallagher completely free making his run in the middle, just run until you lose possession
  17. Agreed, what I or anyone thinks about GP are 99% irrelevant. Collectively they might have an effect on an outcome I.e. if the fans turned on him collectively and consistently, that may have an effect. From what we can see it does appear that some of the players are with him……..but the cautionary note is the happy ones do, the unhappy ones can cause problems. The one’s playing will play along generally and the one’s not playing who think they should can cause the mischief. What I’d expect is seeing improvement, especially over the amount of games we have played, at least be competitive and the record we have when playing top 8-10 teams in the league is pure rubbish s and a top coach should have this group of players at the very least, competitive. I’d have had him out after the Southampton game and possibly before but we have then gone and won the next two. Let’s all trust that he and the people above him have the ability and good judgement and the doubters will be shown the error of their thoughts. He has got too many players and that is an area where he needs to make decisions and the club needs to back him by moving players on.
  18. On the latter, there’s been far too much dross performed on the pitch for one decent performance to start to turn minds and hearts. So many others have said it before that GP seems personable and perhaps likeable and not many should have wanted him to fail, so I believe that should we see more signs of a consistent improvement then views will change. Must say that there’s something about his persona that I am not completely comfortable with, not sure what it is, call it a gut feel. To be fair, when I watched it on TV after getting back from the game it was a leg breaker and Reece got lucky that Bellingham missed his leg planted on the ground. Reaction justified in my book.
  19. GP’s best efforts have come in the CL in my opinion and I’ve seen the home efforts in person. I think that I may have said that previously somewhere else in this forum. However, you can get lucky in a cup competition ala Di Matteo. Mr P needs to demonstrate the ability to mount a sustained level of performance in the league, where broadly speaking the team’s performance has been poor. Wins breed confidence though, so let’s hope he’s approaching the corner, he’s picked the correct racing line this time and he doesn’t end up sideways, as he has done every time he’s tried to get the car round this bend previously.
  20. Different vibe to the ground last night, I think the fans knew this was a make or break the season game and it was fuller, earlier. Happy for the team and coach. Dortmund coming at us suited the way Potter plays, defence first, attack second. Good game to watch, turned a corner? Way, way too early for that.
  21. Should’ve taken a lesson from the Potter coaching manual - completely confuse the b’jesus out of them, then make them go to the completely wrong place.
  22. 2 goals required to see us through tonight then (excepting a 1-0 and penalties, god forbid the thought). Last time we scored more than 1 goal in a match was the first game after the WC and it was 2 against the mighty Bournemouth on the 27th Dec. Dortmund have won 10 in a row, we can barely buy a result let alone 2 goals without letting one in. So the stars are aligned and we'll score a bucket load. Then I stopped dreaming and realised that, we ain't got a prayer. As is the way currently, I travel in hope, wish for the best but truly expect the worst.
  23. What about the Real Madrid fans who attended, I see those that were late or didn't get to attend are getting a refund but not those who got there in good time. Surely not a case of one rule for one set of fans and another set of rules apply for another? Every final the red scum fans get to now should have a time-barred entry to the stadium as a condition of sale - latest entry two hours before kick-off.
  24. It’s either far too early or you had way too much last night!!! Must be the exuberance and heady cocktail of a goal and a win fuelling it.
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