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West Ham United 3 Chelsea 1

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Thank you so much @xceleryx for replying to my post in such a kind and informative way.

Regarding Kepa, it's not that I think he's a perfect goalkeeper, more that Sanchez definitely isn't good enough to take his place, so why leave us so vulnerable.  But anyway, you've explained all that so thanks again.

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1 hour ago, JaneB said:

Thank you so much @xceleryx for replying to my post in such a kind and informative way.

Regarding Kepa, it's not that I think he's a perfect goalkeeper, more that Sanchez definitely isn't good enough to take his place, so why leave us so vulnerable.  But anyway, you've explained all that so thanks again.

Firstly, you're welcome.

I think it's just one of those situations where the sudden opportunity arose and was impossible to turn down, I mean it does make sense from his own point of view. And we of course aren't going to keep players around that don't want to be here. Had Courtios not gotten injured Kepa would've likely started the season for us as intended. 

Does at least look like we're bringing someone else in, so let's see how that pans out. 

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2 hours ago, xceleryx said:

Firstly, you're welcome.

I think it's just one of those situations where the sudden opportunity arose and was impossible to turn down, I mean it does make sense from his own point of view. And we of course aren't going to keep players around that don't want to be here. Had Courtios not gotten injured Kepa would've likely started the season for us as intended. 

Does at least look like we're bringing someone else in, so let's see how that pans out. 

It does give the impression they have a big whiteboard showing squad depth and transfer targets, and as soon as one player is ruled out or sold, they jump on the next name down the list. At the same time they're linking a few other names to throw people off the scent.

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14 hours ago, xceleryx said:

Why would they trust him in fairness? He's been here for what 2 weeks? With this being his second game for us, after being thrown into the mix with the sudden Kepa situation unfolding as it did. Nothing unusual for a defence generally speaking to take a bit of time to fully get comfortable with their keeper. We also have the added disruption that our defence also contains several new players on top, so they're also trying to settle in and find their feet just to perform to their own job. 

It's going to take time as a whole for everyone to get comfortable with each other, knowing their games, what they can and cannot do, and so on. That's' part and parcel of high turnover all at once.

Not that I think Sanchez is good enough generally speaking to be our bonafide number one, but there will be some slack provided for the time being.

I can only speak from observations and my own experience, and there’s a hesitancy there that makes me think what I stated. 

There’s also the unquantifiable/intangible bit and that’s the feeling you get as a player when you know you’ve got a solid citizen behind you.  It’s the way they conduct themselves, the communication and the assurance that you get as a defender that when they say they’re coming to get the ball, they do so no matter what - and invariably do. 

A couple of times they’ve been caught in the is he coming to get it or not scenario. 

It doesn’t help a new defence - now it may have been a scenario that the club had no control over (Kepa leaving) - it was a change too many and too soon and I would have fought to avoid it, if at all possible. 

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2 hours ago, east lower said:

I can only speak from observations and my own experience, and there’s a hesitancy there that makes me think what I stated. 

There’s also the unquantifiable/intangible bit and that’s the feeling you get as a player when you know you’ve got a solid citizen behind you.  It’s the way they conduct themselves, the communication and the assurance that you get as a defender that when they say they’re coming to get the ball, they do so no matter what - and invariably do. 

A couple of times they’ve been caught in the is he coming to get it or not scenario. 

It doesn’t help a new defence - now it may have been a scenario that the club had no control over (Kepa leaving) - it was a change too many and too soon and I would have fought to avoid it, if at all possible. 

It also works from the goal line !..agree absolutely..it's that not quite explainable uneasiness I feel/felt watching our "new" guy.

Having said that the whole team is different and "new".

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