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How would YOU run Chelsea FC?


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Restarting this thread from the old forums.

Today we hear that Chelsea FC are inviting applications for a new Fan Advisory Board. How many of us will apply?


Chelsea Football Club is delighted to announce the establishment of our new Fan Advisory Board (the “FAB”). The FAB is an initiative to help fulfil our promise to be pioneers in fan engagement.

Building on successful consultation and engagement mechanisms the club already has in place, the FAB will engage in discussion, exchange information and share insights on potential decisions that impact Chelsea FC supporters.

The focus will be on the club’s strategic vision and objectives, as well as medium- and long-term decision making. The FAB will meet at least three times a year with Chelsea FC board members, with additional senior club executives also in attendance at all meetings.

The FAB will be made up of six supporters. Three places are reserved for our Supporter Advisors to the Board and the club is looking to identify a further three supporters via an open application process.

Chelsea FC is proud of the work our Fans’ Forum and Accessible Fans’ Forum have done to improve the experience for the club’s supporters. These Forums have made a number of important improvements since they were formed and will continue to run and provide an important source of feedback for the club, with a specific focus on matchday and operational issues. The recent appointment of Cat Smith as head of supporter relations was another key step the club took to ensure supporter engagement and consultation at all levels.

Lord Daniel Finkelstein OBE, one of the Chelsea FC board directors, will have strategic oversight of the FAB and commented: ‘As a life-long Chelsea fan and season ticket holder, I am proud to be serving on the board of the club I have always loved. I was also a member of the panel in the Government’s fan-led review and am committed to fan engagement within the club.

‘Through my position on the board, I want to ensure the club has the ability to respond reactively to supporter issues. Through our Fans’ Forums and other communication channels, we believe we are working well to capture this feedback and will continue to develop mechanisms to do so.

‘In addition, I want to ensure our supporters are represented when we are considering long-term plans for the club. Our supporter advisors to the board have been an important step in the right direction, and we know we can do more. I believe the Fan Advisory Board is a critical step in this process and look forward to working closely with the members of the FAB.’

The club welcomes and encourages supporters from all backgrounds to put their names forward to be FAB members. The application process is simple: fill out the application questions via the link below. At this stage, all the applications will be considered and reviewed.

A shortlist will be selected and passed to a panel, consisting of club and independent representatives, to decide the final members.

If you are interested, please make sure you are willing to give up your time to be a part of the meetings and discussions. All applicants must be over the age of 18. The first term of service for FAB members will be three years.

The deadline to apply is Friday 24 March at 5pm.

Once the final FAB members have been chosen, they will be announced with further details, including a date and time for the first meeting.

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  • 1 month later...

Well here we go again, management roundabout time.

Interestingly we have a number of people available at this point:












This is even before you begin looking at individuals who would have to be bought out of their existing contract.

I'd like to think that a number rule themselves out due to the basic fact they don't speak English and I would think that would be a big deal for the Americans. However that still leaves a number with a chequered history with our club which makes me slightly uneasy.

Personally I'd prefer to see a strict taskmaster come in, if it only proves to be a short term appointment, in order to whip the squad into shape. Long term thinking can be done once we have a team of players worthy of the name.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/04/2023 at 01:29, Michael Tucker said:

To answer the topic question: Like Roman used to do. I doubt that we knew just how lucky we were!

Yep, was saying it back when those wanting ‘stability’ were questioning RA’s don’t win, you’re history method. Be careful what you wish for, because I am really struggling to see where the new American owners have made one correct significant decision?

Long-termism is fine if you’ve a vision and a defined plan, patience and no dangers from restrictions e.g. City could bankroll their plans, go through players and management until they finally found the plan that was going to provide a long-term solution - they also didn’t have a press and political campaign striving to destroy them, much as though their ownership perhaps deserved that level of scrutiny. 

We have to hope that our current owners have made all their mistakes at once, I doubt that though. 

Who’d I like to run us, was and still is Roman. Impossible though now. But not this current mob either. The finances involved make the pool of options quite small and we’re not as attractive a proposition as we were. Possibly some state backed option (like City & Newcastle where the world knows what’s occurring but hide behind the smoke and mirrors because it’s politically convenient).

Edited by east lower
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It appears that many of Chelsea's players, including the new boys and those that have recently renegotiated their contracts will see a reduction in their wages of at least 30% and possibly up to 50% after their failure to qualify for the UCL next season.

Well done Chelsea I hear you cry, the snivelling little shits don't deserve their inflated wages anyway. However, I wonder how that will affect their already extremely fragile grip on any love they have for the club.

This wage structure is directly at odds with that under RA who incentivised basic wages when we did win something. Now it is a cut in basic wages when we don't qualify. I'd argue that it is much more palletable to a professional footballer to miss out on a bonus rather than see their basic wage being cut. Hopefully the players will take out their ire on their agents rather than the club. The last thing we need is to see the players go out on strike and stand outside Cobham with their placards asking passing motorists to honk if they support them.

Yet another bump in the road for the next manager to negotiate.

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2 hours ago, Holymoly said:

The last thing we need is to see the players go out on strike and stand outside Cobham with their placards asking passing motorists to honk if they support them. 

If they ever did this we should collectively spam social media with the following statement :

"We the Chelsea supporters are fully behind the Chelsea players and will do our utmost to change the boards mind" 

And then do sod all. 

See how they like it. 

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2 hours ago, Holymoly said:

This wage structure is directly at odds with that under RA who incentivised basic wages when we did win something. Now it is a cut in basic wages when we don't qualify. I'd argue that it is much more palletable to a professional footballer to miss out on a bonus rather than see their basic wage being cut.

Any player and agent worth their salt will simply have pushed for a higher basic wage, so I really doubt it makes any difference whatsoever, incentivising success or punishing failure. There's very little chance anyone has signed anything that sees them lose out.

Where has this story come from, haven't seen it anywhere.

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10 minutes ago, thevelourfog said:

Any player and agent worth their salt will simply have pushed for a higher basic wage, so I really doubt it makes any difference whatsoever, incentivising success or punishing failure. There's very little chance anyone has signed anything that sees them lose out.

Where has this story come from, haven't seen it anywhere.

It's from The Daily Heil

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20 hours ago, Holymoly said:

It appears that many of Chelsea's players, including the new boys and those that have recently renegotiated their contracts will see a reduction in their wages of at least 30% and possibly up to 50% after their failure to qualify for the UCL next season.

Well done Chelsea I hear you cry, the snivelling little shits don't deserve their inflated wages anyway. However, I wonder how that will affect their already extremely fragile grip on any love they have for the club.

This wage structure is directly at odds with that under RA who incentivised basic wages when we did win something. Now it is a cut in basic wages when we don't qualify. I'd argue that it is much more palletable to a professional footballer to miss out on a bonus rather than see their basic wage being cut. Hopefully the players will take out their ire on their agents rather than the club. The last thing we need is to see the players go out on strike and stand outside Cobham with their placards asking passing motorists to honk if they support them.

Yet another bump in the road for the next manager to negotiate.

Hopefully, this will incentivise them to push extra hard next season to try and fix this mess! No doubt they are heavily incentivised the other way to qualify in Europe and be successful in all the competitions. 

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Are we going to see Lampard being asked to play some of the new boys more in the run in? Mudryk, Madueke, Fofana (David) and Chukwuemeka? Maybe even Omari Hutchinson or Lewis Hall? We need to see who is worthy of being here next season and who is capable of filling in the blanks left over. I'd like to think Frank would do this anyway otherwise what was the point of bringing him in in the first place?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched a similar interview last year, possibly at the same venue, where Boehly came across as far more naive, thinking that it was just a question of spending money. Terms like "moneyball" were bandied about like it was an equation with an answer. I think he now appreciates that he was poorly advised and taken for a ride my unscrupulous agents. His ego was stroked and he fell for it. You can see latterly that his decisions have become far more considered, aware that it actually isn't just a question of spending more than the next club. It is interesting to note that in this interview he speaks of the club's assets as being part of the Premier League and of its geographical location rather than the players or any of its staff. I don't doubt that in time our owners will construct a team capable of success however I fear that its ethos, or the club's identity, will be unrecognizable from what we have been used to and may well be a sterile environment where the individual units are interchangeable leaving little room for continuity.


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Interesting that he mentions the best city three times in my opinion.

Not too much to take from this though he reiterated being here for the long term.

I saw Moneyball by chance recently round at my brothers and was surprised I had not heard about it before. 

You then get to thinking about whether the concept would work for football and I don't think it does as football is a flowing game rather than baseball which is more about set pieces in comparison.  


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1 hour ago, jasonb said:

Interesting that he mentions the best city three times in my opinion.

Not too much to take from this though he reiterated being here for the long term.

I saw Moneyball by chance recently round at my brothers and was surprised I had not heard about it before. 

You then get to thinking about whether the concept would work for football and I don't think it does as football is a flowing game rather than baseball which is more about set pieces in comparison.  


Football is definity waaaaaaaay much more complex than baseball and with probably infinite variables so it's much much MUCH harder to build accurate models.

Here I believe you need both: the best data and the best humans who are able to put that data into the context. Hopefully Chelsea as a club can get both of these right going forward.

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So it's my 60th Birthday today and I am sad to say that I think Chelsea will never again reach the heights of the past 20 years. The fortunes of the club and my own health seem to be declining in perfect synchronicity. I don't intend to go "gently into the good night" and I expect the new leadership equally to "rail against the dying of the light" . Having just had a stupidly expensive Birthday lunch I am sure that CFC will have isolated days of celebration, but if I can mix my metaphors, goodbye Roman and thanks for all the fish!

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25 minutes ago, RDCW said:

So it's my 60th Birthday today and I am sad to say that I think Chelsea will never again reach the heights of the past 20 years. The fortunes of the club and my own health seem to be declining in perfect synchronicity. I don't intend to go "gently into the good night" and I expect the new leadership equally to "rail against the dying of the light" . Having just had a stupidly expensive Birthday lunch I am sure that CFC will have isolated days of celebration, but if I can mix my metaphors, goodbye Roman and thanks for all the fish!

Happy birthday Richard 

I feel your pain. 

Things will be put to rights soon my friend. 

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